Melisa Ozkul

Can you briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Melisa Ozkul and I am a comic book writer, illustrator and graphic designer.

How did you discover your passion for drawing?

Like all children, I loved to draw. But it was when I was ten years old, when I discovered the manga DragonBall Z with fascination, that I decided to perfect my drawing skills.

What is your background?

I started by training in graphic design (a profession I also love), then I decided to perfect my storytelling skills by attending the ESBDI and then the HEAD. It was an opportunity to pursue my childhood dream of becoming a comic book author.

How much do you love drawing and why?

I have always been passionate about visual communication, whether it be graphic design, comics or illustration. Having been a shy teenager, drawing was initially a way to express my feelings. Today, I use it to express myself fully on subjects that are important to me, as well as to share my vision of the world.

Do you have any particular influences?

It’s very difficult to answer this question. There are so many people who inspire me! To name a few, Akira Toriyama, Mirion Malle, Rosemary Valero-O’connel, Cy. and Gaëlle Genillier are authors whose work I particularly like, both in terms of narrative and graphic style. Otherwise, Art Nouveau and Bauhaus are artistic movements that inspire me a lot. That’s why you can find a bit of the graphic aspect in my visuals.

One of your qualities?

I have often been told that I am a very ambitious person (maybe a little too ambitious). So, I’ll say it’s a quality.

And one of your faults?

I have always been a sensitive person. Today, I use this “weakness” as a strength in my work.

Do you like coffee?

Worse, I’m addicted to it.

And finally, what are you currently working on?

At the moment I have several graphic and/or illustrative assignments. I am currently working on my next graphic novel about assisted suicide. It will be published by Antipodes by 2024.

Instagram: @_melisaozkul  

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