Rebecca Jeannet

Can you briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Rebecca Jeannet and I work in illustration and comics.

How did you discover your passion for drawing?

I have always drawn and it is something natural and necessary for me.

What is your background?

After graduating from high school, I studied linguistics and psychology at university, with the aim of becoming a speech therapist. After six years of study, I left my training to devote myself fully to drawing, by entering the ESBDI. After graduating, I continued my education at HEAD for two more years and now I am working as a freelancer.

How much do you love drawing and why?

It was my favourite hobby and means of expression growing up, and it still is today, as well as having become my profession. Being a reserved and introverted person by nature, I was able to find comfort in drawing as a communication tool and an outlet for my experiences, feelings and ideas. On top of that, I like the fact that there is always a goal to achieve, whether it’s the technique or the message.

Do you have any particular influences?

I follow a lot of artists on social networks: people who draw occasionally or professionals. They all have something to say or express, and it’s always interesting to follow their artistic evolution. I also really like films and comics in a broad sense.

One of your qualities?

I like to observe things and people.

And one of your faults?

I’m not good at making conversation.

Do you like coffee?

Coffee is essential to my survival.

And finally, what are you currently working on?

I am making illustrations for a magazine about shark protection.

instagram: @rebeccaninig

facebook: Ninigsart

Portfolio (pdf)

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